New Orchard Planted by Local Children

A timely and perfect way to celebrate #worldwildlifeday

In an attempt to combat climate chaos, The Woodland Trust are encouraging everyone in the UK to plant a new tree, by donating hundreds of thousands of saplings to schools and communities.

Lucia and Indigo desperately wanted to take part in the planting project and asked Alscot if they could plant a new orchard on the Estate! Obviously, we were thrilled and delighted to be able to assist.

Yesterday, The Croft School provided the girls with their new trees and whilst donning their Pepper Pig and Glitter boots, the enthusiastic sisters set about the hard work of planting. Assisted by their parents and our Foresters, Dave and Andy, they planted a variety of apple, pear and plum trees in an orchard, on the Estate, close to their home. The girls will be able to tend to the trees with water in the summer, watch them flourish and in time, reap the fruit crops.

Trees play a vital role in the environment by removing harmful emissions from the air around us and in creating a habitat for wildlife. Alscot, in their plight to assist climate change, have planted over 15,000 new trees and hedgerows.