Alscot - An Award-Winning Estate

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Alscot Biodiversity Net Gain Project Entering Fourth Successful Year

This was us, July 2019, David Lowe -Team Leader, Ecology, Historic Environment & Landscape at Warwickshire County Council David Cole - Ecologist WCC, Stephanie Matthews - Natural England Kurt Goodman & Sam Arthur - FPCR and Jonathan Thompson - Alscot’s BNG Consultant, walking, talking, observing and considering the future of biodiversity net gain at Alscot. These photos were taken during the two years of research and monitoring before we finally entered into a min. 30yr contractual term in April 2020, as one of the first private landowners in the UK to offer BNG land to developers, through a formal, accountable and monitored scheme.

Due to David Lowe's lead in BNG and position as advisor to Government on this new policy, Warwickshire introduced BNG ahead of the game, as did Alscot Estate having a site ready to go. Biodiversity Net Gain becomes mandatory in the rest of the UK in November 2023. This means that Under the Environment Act 2021, all planning permissions granted in England (with a few exemptions) will have to deliver at least 10% biodiversity net gain.

During this time we have forged relationships with like minded developers, that have both the success of the local economic growth and a positive outcome in respect of climate change, on their agenda. This synergy is essential in order to achieve a sustainable future.

April marks the start of our 4th year into our BNG land management project, and although it's early days and the land is in a process of preparation to reach neutrality, we are delighted with the progress so far. Both plant and wildlife habits are being created and our future generations are putting the site to good use to enhance their environmental studies.

Biodiversity projects are changing the fortunes of some of our most threatened species. It’s flower-rich meadows like ours, that encourage wildlife such as the large blue butterfly (once extinct in Britain) to be reintroduced, flourish and thrive once again, across the country.